Administering a web hosting service was once a complex process for all parties involved. Businesses had layers of software to deal with, from the server operating systems to website plugins or user interfaces. The process has become much less daunting for businesses, however, and the emergence of hosting packages built around cPanel is a large part of the reason why. Professionals in conversation on a popular industry forum say cPanel is the world’s most popular web hosting control panel, and it is often referred to as such. cPanel is often compared to Plesk, which is very popular among businesses running...
Today’s modern business requires that everyone and every resource contributes to a company’s growth. That includes the IT department. CIOs and other IT professionals are being asked to justify costs and work on projects that help increase employee productivity and company profitability. In this post, we’ll look at technology from a business perspective. We’ll focus on business-related issues that will help you convince your CEO that a managed dedicated server strategy is right for you. Business Justification for a Managed Dedicated Server Strategy You can probably list a number of technology-focused reasons for implementing a managed dedicated server strategy for...
Today’s data center is a technology hub for small businesses interested in utilizing cloud technology, mid-size companies who require technical experts to deliver a custom IT solution, and large enterprises who must meet industry regulations. An independent third-party data center like Multacom can provide its clients with the flexibility, agility, and technical expertise which enables them to change course rapidly based on shifting business requirements. How? Because Multacom is a carrier-neutral data center. In this post, we’ll explain what being “carrier neutral” actually means and why it should be a fundamental component of your data center selection. What Does Being...
What are your criteria for selecting a data center? We often see large colocation data centers promoting the fact that you should select their facility based on its close proximity to your office rather than the personalized service, scalability or advanced capabilities it can provide. Isn’t that wrong? Shouldn’t you be able to select a data center that’s farther from your office but offers the specific services and capabilities you’re looking for? A data center offering remote hands support enables you to do just that....
Multacom, the web host that makes the net work, has reaffirmed the Company’s leadership position in data center security and reliability with the successful completion of its annual SOC 2 Type 2 compliance audit. The facilities and infrastructure examination and corresponding Service Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Report were completed by an independent third-party auditor. The report’s findings provide assurance to all Multacom customers, especially those in regulated industries, of the quality and effectiveness of the Company’s data center operations.