
Demand for private cloud services continues to grow, as recent research from IDC shows.1 While it may be somewhat more complicated from a technical point of view than some other kinds of hosting business, private cloud also offers some unique niche opportunities for adding value. Boutique and niche providers — companies outside of the four big hyperscale providers and the hosting giants like Alibaba that make up the “next 10” — made up well over 20 percent of the global market for cloud infrastructure services in 2017,2 so if you are serving a different market than Amazon and Oracle there...

The ability of the United States government to defend our country is grounded in its capacity to transform quickly and utilize innovative technologies while at the same time maintaining unwavering security. To achieve this, the U.S. Department of Defense looks to its community of defense contractors to employ cutting-edge IT solutions. The firms leading the charge are transitioning from their own data center infrastructures and use of the public cloud to a more customizable private cloud alternative managed by an independent data center. The private cloud provides a compelling value proposition for companies in the business of providing for our...